Go to the site and Vote For #biltwellpeopleschamp #peopleschamp7 Follow the links in their bios. He’s building this bike sober but claims he’s getting “Shit Faced” The weekend of Born Free. Vote him into the final round then get to know him yourself and find out just what this man has been through at his young age at Cooks Corner. There’s a lot more to this guy than I’ll take the liberty of sharing on here. I don’t know where he got his patience, but it wasn’t from me. I made him hand file, sand, and polish, so he can see, feel and learn the difference and when it’s appropriate. I’ve taken his sleep & taken away power tools. Or wait in the truck for hours while I’m just out cruising around. He’s had to wait for me to get up on the weekends. Locked him out of the garage and went out of town. I’ve locked him in the garage and went to bed. He witnessed me body slamming someone and kicking them outta my garage, and life. His dad, makin sure he still cooks dinner for the family each Wednesday, and generally hawk eyeing him. and drinking excessively and talking shit for hours. He works 40-60+ hour work weeks as a high risk refrigeration/ammonia tech and lead engineer. Luffy Roronoa Zoro Sanji Trafalgar Law Portgas D. He has been challenged by more than actual labor involved and logistics. Tony Tony Chopper Wallpapers 270+ Discover vibrant HD Tony Tony Chopper wallpapers for your desktop - a dream come true for One Piece fans You'll Love: Monkey D.

I’m not the easiest uncle to get along with but my intentions are pure.

He has no garage of his own so he spends lots of time in mine. So my nephew is building a 62 Panhead chopper. Put 60 miles on it today, so much fun! Thanks for everyone involved in this build! #bornfreeshow #bf2020 #malibuhoney #chopper #bobbers #bobbersnchoppers #choppershit #metalwork #metalshaping #chrome #handmade #handcrafted #allinthesetails #chopcult #baileigharmy #kustomkulture #knucklehead #ride #motorcycles #fun #ny #choppers #metalfinishing #design #ilovechoppers #choppershit #allinthedetails - on Instagram It was a tough decision but having a super fun ridable bike is what I’m all about! Still very happy with the end results. Sometimes hand made parts just don’t work like you want them to. In the end it just didn’t perform the way I wanted it to. 🌴Malibu Honey🌴is finally done! For the people that having been following this build you probably noticed I didn’t use the front end and bars that I built. NB : Ngga nego dapet #jualmotorcustom #bratcafemurah #motorjapstyle #motorcaferacer #japstylemurah #caferacermurah #caferacer #japstyleindo #caferacerindo #bobber #chopper #motorcustomsurabaya #japstylesurabaya #srambler #bobberindonesia #scramblerindonesia #scramblervintage #bratstyleindonesia #yamahascorpio #scorpiocustom #caferacerscorpio #japstylescorpio #chopperscorpio #scorpiochopper #scorpiobobber #jualchopper #choppermurah #choppergangs #chopperindonesia - on Instagram Street Tracker basic Honda GL Max Neotech.